Mr. Marlatt
Benton Central
Jr./Sr. High
Course Description
World History - Human Legacy
In World History students learn about their 'Legacy' and the impact 'Man' has had on society and history. Student will trace the chronological and territorial range of early human communities, while analyzing the processes that has led to our contemporary world today! Students will also research a wide variety of histories and cultures to help explain trends and events of global significance.
Week 1 The Dawn of Civilization
August 12th – Introduction to U.S. History.
Augusts 13th –Human Legacy
August 14th – What is your legacy...
Week 2 The Dawn of Civilization
Beginnings of Civilization Notes
August 17th – The First People...
Key Discoveries Assignment
August 18th – The Stong Age - Bronze Age...
August 19th – Can you create fire? (Activity)
August 20th – Cave Painting Activity... (What can you create?)
August 21st – The Beginnings of Civilization...
Week 3 The Ancient Near East
Mesopotamia - Fertile Crescent Notes
August 24th - Foundation of Civilization...
August 25th – Research Civilization...
August 26th – Introduction to Mesopotamia and Sumer...
August 27th – Hammurabi's Code Activity...
August 28th – The Ancient Near East...
Week 4 Nile Civilizations
August 31st – Fertile Crescent Empires...
September 1st– Fertile Crescent Empires... (Hebrews)
September 2nd – The Persian Empire...
September 3rd – What does history tell us? (Our own story...)
September 4th – Nile Civilizations...
Week 5 Nile Civilizations
September 7th – LABOR DAY (NO SCHOOL)
September 8th – Continue the Digital Timeline Project
September 9th – The Kingdom of Egypt...
September 10th – Egyptian Culture...
September 11th – Continue the Egyptian Story Board Assignment
Week 6 Ancient India and China
September 14th – Egyptology...
September 15th – Eghyptology... (Watch Crash Course)
September 16th - Mystery - What happend to Alexandria?
September 17th – Continue the Digital Timeline Project
September 18th – Ancient India and China...
Week 7 Ancient India and China
September 21st – Beat the Teacher (Introduction Review)
September 22nd – Early India...
September 23rd – Hinduism... (Word/Picture/Definition)
Read pages 98 - 102 in the textbook!
September 24th - Buddhism... (Compare/Contrast - Venn Diagram)
Read pages 103 - 107 in the textbook!
September 25th - Ancient India and China...
Week 8 Classical Greece
September 28th – Classical Greece...
September 29th - Revisting Hinduism and Buddhism
September 30th – Ancient China - China's First Dynasty
October 1st - Classical Greece...
October 2nd – Classical Greece...
Week 9 Classical Greece
October 5th – Classical Greece...
October 6th – Classical Greece...
October 7th – Classical Greece...
October 8th – Classical Greece...
October 9th – Classical Greece...
Week 10 Ancient Rome
Ancient Greece Notes (Updated Daily)
October 12th – Introduction to Ancient Greece...
October 13th – Looking at Greek Polis system...
October 14th – Greek God Research...
October 15th – Continue Glogster of Greek Gods...
October 16th – Ancient Rome...
Week 11 Ancient Rome
October 19th – Ancient Rome...
October 20th – Ancient Rome...
October 21st – Ancient Rome...
October 22nd – Ancient Rome...
October 23rd – FALL BREAK (NO SCHOOL)
Week 12 The Americas
October 26th – FALL BREAK (NO SCHOOL)
October 27th – Greek Achievment Kahoot Project
October 28th – Greek Achievement Kahoot Project
October 29th – Greek Achievement Kahoot Project
October 30th – The Americas...
Week 13 The Americas
November 2nd – The Americas...
November 3rd – The Classical Age - Golden Age of Greece...
November 4th – The Classical Age - Golden Age of Greece...
November 5th - The Classical Age - Golden Age of Greece...
November 6th –The Americas...
Week 14 Cultures in Contact
November 9th – Greek Philosophers...
November 10th – Alexander the Great and His Legacy...
Watch Crash Course - Alexander the Great in class...
November 11th – VETERANS DAY (Hellenistic Achievments.)
November 12th – Kahoot Review... (Finish Projects)
November 13th – Classical Greece Quiz (30 Points) & 20 Time Project... (Build Presentations)
Week 15 Cultures in Contact
Ancient Rome and Early Christianity Notes
November 16th – Roman Empire Vocabulary...
November 17th – Roman Civilizations Develops... (Storyboard)
November 18th – Rome becomes a Republic and expands...
November 19th – Problems with the Republic...
Roman 'Sayings' Research
November 20th – 20 Time Project... (Build Presentations)
Week 16 Rome, Republic to Empire
November 23rd – Rome Becomes and Empire...
November 24th – Roman Science and Engineering Research
November 25th – Building Roman Arches Activity
Week 17 Roman Society and Culture
November 30th – From Rebpulic to Empire... (Refresher Course!)
December 1st – Understanding Rome
Read Chapter 6 Section 3 and 4. (Complete Assessments)
Section 3 Questions 1 & 2/Section 4 Questions 1-5
December 2nd – Roman Culture and Society...
December 3rd – Roman Culture and Society Continued....
December 4th – 20 Time Project... (Build Presentations)
Week 18 The Fall of Rome
December 7th – Roman Society and Culture...
December 8th - 20% Catch-up Day
December 9th – Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire...
December 10th – The Fall of Rome...
December 11th – 20 Time Project Journals Due! (75 Points)
Students need to print out their journals! (Turn into Marlatt)
FINALS WEEK (20 Time Project Due!)
December 14th – 20 Time Project Presentations (75 Points)
December 15th – 20 Time Project Presentations (75 Points)
December 16th – Final 'Greece and Rome 'Empires' (75 Points)
December 17th – Final Greece and Rome 'Empires' (75 Points)
December 18th – Final Greece and Rome 'Empires' (75 Points)
Week 19 Medieval Europe 'Middle Ages'
January 5th – Introduction to the 'Medieval Europe'...
January 6th – Empires of the 'Middle Ages'...
January 7th – Kingdoms and Christianity... (Speed Dating)
January 8th – Kingdoms and Christianity... (Speed Dating)
Week 20 Medieval Europe 'Middle Ages'
January 11th - Early and Late 'Middle Ages' Preview... (Battleship)
January 12th - Vocabulary Battleship 'Activity'! (Play the Game!)
January 13th – Play 'Vocabulary' Battleship!
January 14th – Charlemagne's Empire...
January 15th – New Invaders... (What's happening?)
Week 21 Medieval Europe 'Middle Ages'
January 18th - The Feudal and Manorial System... (Introduction)
January 19th - The Feudal and Manorial System...
January 20th – The Feudal and Manorial System...
January 21st – The Feudal and Manorial System...
January 22nd – The Feudal and Manorial System...
Week 22 Medieval Europe 'Middle Ages'
January 25th – Bayeux Tapestry Research Assignment...
January 26th - The Growth of Monarchies (and ourselves) Tapestry...
January 27th – Tapestry Assignment Work Day...
January 28th – Tapestry Assignment Work Day...
January 29th – Power of the Church... (Middle Ages)
Chapter 13 Review, questions 1-16...
Week 23 Medieval Europe 'High Middle Ages'
February 1st - The Crusades... (Disaster and Treachery)
February 2nd - The Crusades... (Disaster and Treachery)
February 3rd – The Crusades... (Disaster and Treachery)
February 4th – Trade and Towns Medieval Soceiety... (Person Activity)
February 5th –Challenges of the Late Middle Ages... (Person Activity)
Week 24 Renaissance and Reformation
February 8th - Finish the 'Medieval Person' Activity
February 9th - Challenges of the Late Middle Ages...
February 10th – Medeival Europe Quiz... (45 Points) STUDY?
February 11th – Renaissance and Reformation... (Students Teach Prep)
February 12th – Renaissance and Reformation... (Students Teach Prep)
Man in the Iron Mask (Breif Description - 2 Paragraphs)
Kingdom of Heaven (Breif Description - 2 Paragraphs)
Week 25 Renaissance and Reformation
February 15th – NO SCHOOL!
February 16th – Renaissance and Reformation... (Students Teach Prep)
February 17th – Renaissance and Reformation... (Students Teach Prep)
February 18th - The Italian Renaissance (Students Teach)
February 19th – The Nothern Renaissance (Students Teach)
Homework Assignment (Period 3)
Week 26 Exploration and Expansion
February 22nd – The Protestant Reformation (Students Teach)
February 23rd – The Counter-Reformation (Students Teach)
February 24th – SNOW DAY (Made up on April 29th)
February 25th - SNOW DAY (E-Learning Day 1) Home Page
February 26th – SNOW DAY (E-Learning Day 2) Home Page
Week 27 Exploration and Expansion
February 29th – Explorer Research...
March 1st – Explorer Research...
March 2nd – Explorer Research...
Macrh 3rd – Exploration and Expansion...
Macrh 4th – Exploration and Expansion...
Week 28 Enlightenment and Revolution
March 7th - The Age of Exolporation - Research -
Renaissance and Reformation Quiz (15 Points)
March 8th – Age of Exploration 'Big Picture'...
March 9th – The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Dinner Party
March 10th – The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Dinner Party
March 11th – The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Debrief
Week 29 Enlightenment and Revolution
March 14th - Enlightenment and Revolution Activity
March 15th – Enlightenment and Revolution Theme Park...
March 16th – Enlightenment and Revolution Theme Park...
March 17th – Enlightenment and Revolution Theme Park...
March 18th – Analyze the Enlightenment and Revolution Theme Park.
March 19th - March 27th
Extra Credit Movie: The Count of Monte Cristo
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Patriot (Mel Gibson)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
The Prestige
Gangs of New York
Week 30 The French Revolution
March 28th - The Revolution Begins (French Revolution?)
March 29th – The Revolution Begins...
March 30th - The Republic...
March 31st – Napoleon's Rise and Fall... (Timeline)
April 1st – Napoleon's Fall and Europes Reaction...
Crash Course: The French Revolution
French Revolution in a Nutshell
Week 31 Industrial Revolution
April 4th - Congress of Vienna... (A New Europe!)
April 5th – A New Kind of Revolution... (Mass Productions!)
April 6th – Industrial Revolution Menu Continued...
April 7th – Industrial Revolution Menu Continued...
April 8th – Life in the Industrial Age... (Sub)
Chapter 22 Review 1-12, 15, and 17 (Page 680-681)
Crash Course: The Industrial Revolution
Week 32 Nationalism in Europe
April 11th - Reforms, Revolution, and War... (Sub)
Chapter 23 Review 1-14, 17, and 18 (Page 708-709)
April 12th – Nationalism in Europe... (Sub)
Chapter 24 Review 1-12, 16, and 17 (Page 736-737)
April 13th – Beat the Teacher... (Review Day!)
April 14th – What is going on in the world... (War?)
Pop Quiz (What have you learned!) 30 Points
April 15th – Web Chart - Alliances and Events - World War I
Crash Course: How World War I Began (WATCH ME PLEASE!)
Week 33 The World at War
April 18th - The Great War Begins... (M.A.I.N.)
April 19th – A New Kind of War...
April 20th – A New Kind of War... (Battle Research, Verdun?)
April 21st – Revolution in Russia... (Anastatia?)
April 22nd – The War Ends... (Results of the War?)
Crash Course: Who Started World War I
Crash Course: World War I and the Results
Week 34 Inter War Years
April 25th - Finish Working on World War I Skits...
April 26th – Chapter 27 Section 1 and Section 2 Assessments
Section 1, 1-5 (Page 810) & Section 2, 1-4 (Page 816)
April 27th – End of World War I... (Skits!)
April 28th – Every 15 Minutes Program (Interwar Years Video - 9th Grade)
April 29th – Dictators/Steps to Another War... (Political Cartoon)
Week 35 World War II
May 2nd - Axis Aggression... (Video)
May 3rd – 'Directions' of the World War II Activity
May 4th – 'Directions' of the World War II Activity
May 5th – Axis Aggression/Allied Response/End of the War...
May 6th – America Story of U.S. World War II
Crash Course: World War II Part 1
Crash Course: World War II Part 2
Crash Course: World War II , a War for Resources
Week 36 World War II
May 9th - World War II Project...
May 10th – World War II Project...
May 11th – World War II Project...
May 12th – World War II Project...
May 13th – World War II Project...
May 16th - World War II Project DUE! (50 Points)
May 17th – Review for Final (Beat the Teacher!)
May 18th – World at War Test... (50 Points) 1/1/2/4/5/5/6
May 19th – World at War Test... (50 Points) 2/2/3/4/7/6/6
May 20th – World at War Test... (50 Points) HR/3/3/4/4/7/7
(World War II Movie - Student Vote)
Finding Your Assignments
Students may click on the 'Assignment' and 'Activities' tabs above to find helpful information.
BLUE - Classroom Activities and Instructions
GREEN - Woksheet/Homework Assignment
YELLOW - Extra Credit/Webpages
BLACK - E-Learning Days, Quizzes, and Test
Students may click on the 'Webpages' tab above to find helpful information.
Make sure to use the internet responsibly. Comprehend the information!
Student Resources
Students may click on the 'Resource' tab above to find their unit notes. These are created by Mr. Marlatt to allow students to have a better understanding of topics cover in class.
Notes - Unit Resources
These can help you!